You cant insert an autograph in a PDF file
You cant insert an autograph in a PDF file
L appli est tres intéressante à utiliser, jinsère les signatures dans mes documents word 2011, Quand ça marche cest tres bien. Malheureusement, le pavé est parfois inactif au contact du doigt ou du stylet, dans ce cas redémarrage de mon macbook pro 15 de 2012, DONC VIVEMENT UNE MISE A JOUR ET CE SERA PARFAIT. This app is very interesting to use, I insert signatures in my document "WORD 2011", when it works it is very good. Unfortunately, the keypad is sometimes inactive finger touch or stylus, in this case I restart my macbook pro 15 2012, SO STRONGLY AN UPDATE AND IT WILL BE PERFECT.
This version (1.2.1) is not working with Mavericks !!! Thanks for updating quickly to version 1.7.x or better !
Its a really usefull application and i like it because its slim. Use it on my trackpad. Works great! Feature request for the fourth-Star: hide the application-icon or put it to the other stuff in the upper finder-bar...
The App does what its supposed to do, but Id like to see an option to make it completely invisible by also hiding the menu bar icon. I never really use it thanks to the global hot key, and it just takes space in the menu bar. Apart from that, I love the app!
This is an older version than the one offered by TenOne directly, and it did - in my case - not work in combination with the iPad. I had to install Autograph Helper in addition to the app I bought. Version 1.1 you can buy here is - as has been noticed already - less sensitive than the current version. Your signature looks like a low-resolution scan. If you want to buy the app, buy it at TenOne directly, allthough I would recommend not buying it at all. Seeling an app with reduced functionality at the AppStore without telling the customers should not be rewarded.
Cant seem to get this to work after I open the app?
Not sure how much use Ill get out of it but its exactly what I was looking for since I need to sign documents on my computer. Also really easy to use!
Worked well the first time, and now after trying it another 4 times on new documents, it no longer works!!
The hit enter and it drops the image in works beautifully in iWork Pages -- but doesnt work at all in GMail, despite the Gmail feature allowing you to drop a .png into the edit field. Too bad.
Im unable to install the latest update. It says that it requires OS X Lion and I am not willing to install OS X Lion any time soon. Please fix this.
Youll find you get your signature down naturally the first time, the smoothing is intuitive and makes for a real looking signature. These are the pluses this app has over its competitor like "Signature". However, thats all there is to this app. No ability to save your signature or style it in any manner at all. Being the same price as the fully featured (if not slightly more difficult to use) "Signature", I find that I cannot recommend Autograph over "Signature". I just wish I hadnt had to spend the money on both apps to discover that.
I have been unable to get this to work in Mountain Lion. However, the app WAS pretty awesome. WAS..
This app works very simply and easily. I use it all the time to sign reports within my professional practice. Using my track pad, the signatures are smooth and very much my signature. Saving signatures is in fact very possible. In Properties >> Export signatures can be automatically inserted into current application and/or copied to desktop. Moreover, this app is programmable by applescript. I use this with Filemaker to add real signatures to files and client session notes. Click into a signature field, triggers applescript and up pops autograph. Sign and it is imediately inserted into the signature field. Also works well with Pages and PDFpen (not so much with preview). I love that this app provides a real signature, not a copied and pasted image. Simple and effective. Works for me on Mountain Lion. (version 10.8.3) Get it...
The paid version doesn’t run up in the menubar, so when you want to do a signature you have to click the icon on the task bar to focus the app, then hit the Autograph menu to get it to pop up.
This app is a waste of money! It didnt open! Ugh
Worked just fine as advertised... only complaint is that it can be pretty hard to make a legible signature without a stylus
It works great for problems whatsoever!
... as long as you have a newer Macbook/Pro/Air - or a Magic Trackpad. Dont expect it to work with an older Macbook or with 3rd party trackpads.
It didnt open, thats is a bummer. I thought it would be cool, but no, it failed. I have a Macbook Air, so probably the people who got it working had a big mac, like a 17" Macbook pro. Anyways, I dont recommend this for people with not as strong computers. Ugh!