Just got a new MacBook Pro 13 inch with a magic track pad. This app takes advantage of the track pads ability and so being able to do a signature on email or whatever is really nice.
Just got a new MacBook Pro 13 inch with a magic track pad. This app takes advantage of the track pads ability and so being able to do a signature on email or whatever is really nice.
Ive only used it a few times, but I am impressed by how well it works. Ive had no problems and my magic trackpad works perfect with the program.
So I bought this for 2.99 and it didnt work at all. Then, I downloaded the free version online with the watermarks and it worked fine. Now, I cant register it even though I paid for a working version. To register, the online download purchase sends you an email with a key but the Mac apps version does not. So the compatibility issue is solved because I now know that it works, just not the one on the Mac apps. Get me a registration key for my 2.99 purchase!
as long as you read it the description and instructions, it works perfectly. and works even better witha stylus. saved me at least the purchase price in stress and hassle in the first five minutes after downloading it
I think that those who are complaining dont really understand how this app works. It works with the MAGIC trackpad. And you have to actually pick up your finger to start the next word. It works just like the pads everyone signs at the checkout lane in grocery stores. Its really well designed and looks more like a signature than my real one on paper sometimes. If youre not sure your pad will work, TRY THE DEMO on their website. It just puts a watermark on all the signatures but at least you can try before you pay. Awesome APP!
Works very well with a Magic Trackpad. Only two gripes- its annoying how when you choose to save your signature to the desktop it erases any previously saved autographs (any PDFs that are called "autograph"), and its sometimes hard to sign because its hard to estimate where your finger is. Maybe itd be better if for the Magic Trackpad the window changed to a square size to match the size of the trackpad? Otherwise its a great app, well worth $3!
App does not work, will not save autographs at all. This app also shuts down unexpectantly and has no operating screen. Word to the wise stay away from this app you will be dissapointed.
I just got this app and it works great. I have an older Macbook and it still works like they say. I used to have to print contracts, sign them and then scan them before sending back. It took a little practice but now I sign as good with my finger as with a pen. Saves time and paper. Thanks! If you have issues try the FAQ section in help.
Works as advertised! Wonderful app, really put this to use!
this is really great.... I like it a lot! I think maybe the people having trouble are trying to you a mouse or something to write?
Really love this product, its nice to be able to quickly add a signature to any program, document, etc. I just wish we could actually select the DPI setting. I find the optimize for printing is still too low for what I need. Other than that, great work.
I was looking for a way so I can scan my autograph hand paste the picture anyware that is needed, then I found this app, I use Pogo to sign on my touch pad, just buy a Pogo then you are good to go
The interface is great. I really like the signing box and how easy it is to delet and resign (because the trackpad can be a bit hard to sign on and you will need to redo your signature a few times). the only thing I had problems with was signing an actual PDF. I was trying to add a signature to a rental application and couldnt. I ended up getting around it by taking a screenshot of the PDF and signing it in word and then resaving it as a PDF, but it might be somthing worth adding
I love this app. Its so much cleaner then using a sharpie on a white paper, then scanning it into the mac via high resolution, then editing it in photoshop to make it a transparent PNG. This saves all of that. The cool thing is that you can use your "Pogo" pens to write so its a match made perfectly together. Now if youd just write this for all apps so we could make hand writing on say Pages, or word like the Windows Tablets do. The ability to type the letters out on a "Palm" device would be great. Nothing like a little short hand and a trackpad...
I really researched whether I should buy this app or not, and its a good thing I did! It works very well. You just use your finger to sign any documents you have and its so quick! If you want to buy this app, then I suggest you do so! :)
All day long I insert my signature into Word documents and had to use a .jpeg version of my signature until I found this app. This app which runs in the background quietly until you need it, works like a champ for signing things quickly. If you have a need to sign things often this app is a great one to get.
This little app works great! I have used it with my MacBook Pros trackpad with a stylus, as well with a Wacom tablet on my Mac Mini. I easily used it with Word, Pages, and Mail. I tried signing a PDF form with Preview, but had no luck. However, it was very easy to sign the same PDF form in PDFPen Pro using the Scribble annotation tool. I found I could also insert small handwritten annotations into Circus Ponies Notebook. My signature looks smoother and more natural using the Wacom tablet, but it is very acceptable using the trackpad/stylus combo. I like that I can choose an export color in Export Preferences as I like to use a dark blue pen to sign documents. The background on the signature is transparent, so the signature looks just right superimposed over signature lines in a PDF form. If the signature will be printed, it looks better if you choose the PDF format in the Autographs Export Preferences (the default is PNG format). At first, I had a little trouble with the app, but realized it was only because I had "Ink" turned on in my computers System Preferences. After turning "Ink" off, Autograph worked flawlessly. The app is very Mac-like, and it is nice that you can choose between dock mode and menu bar mode. Overall, Im very pleased; this is a handy little app.
Does not work with LION or MAGIC TRACKPAD even though discripion says it does. $3 wasted
Im using a Wacom tablet and am on OS X 10.7 Lion and its working for me in Mail. Havent tried it elsewhere yet. I assigned the key shortcut to invoke Autograph to my upper Wacom pen button in Wacom prefs specific to Mail.app and assigned the Return key to the bottom pen button so when Im done signing I hit the bottom pen button and it puts the signature in the email. I hope you can get it working with PDFs!
Since I upgraded my O/S to Lion, Autograph has not been working which has been frustrating. I used this app to place my signature on my documentation for my professional job. Since I upgraded, I have not been able to use this app and need to use it on a daily basis. Please correct the issue with Lion so that I can return to using this app. UPDATE: Works great with Lion now and I can go back to using this app. Thanks for upgrading the app.